Thursday, 29 March 2012

290312 ..

while exploring we heart it ..i found a few beautiful wedges ..
comey x ??
unik x ?? but ..its purple !i like it ..
yg ni plak ?? ilike to wear wedges so that i'll look higher .
since that maybe i'm going to melbourne for school program ..i'm explore some sweater n cloth ..
but not sure yet whether i'm really going or not ..
whats with the white one ?
since its melbourne ..lets explore the city ..
this is the last one ..
now ..lets see the another pic !
enjoy yourself ..

actually ni pic last year ..with sarah ,me n rini ..
both rini n sarah comei ..nyelit skit hk xcomei tu .hk xcomei tu aq la ..
in class 4UU .. miss the moment .. T_T

i'm a spm 2012 candidate of smka naim lilbanat

 believe or not this imatured girl will sitting for spm end of this year .so sad .. aq dpt result exam  PKBS 1 td ..mse prjumpaan PIGB ..then aq tgk la ETR for  SPM ..makin mnmbhkan ksedihan di jiwa je aq ..smpai ati school trget aq dpt 6A je spm 2012..tak mbakar smangat lnsung la..but ETR tu cbarab for me ..i know i can get more if i work harder ..not playing such a fool things anymore .2 days ,lps asar ,i'm in tears .so sad n homesick .but i need to chill la !i do have really hyperactive friends yg can cheer me xnak la always cheer sbb tu sume just akan buat aq lalai dgn khidupan aq sbgai spm candidates oi have to smile n study hard .. fillah .. dpt pahala !      
nmpk x 'good' tuu ? ha ! ican get straight A la ..insyaAllah ..
but ..xnak la succes sorg2 kan ..xbest la .. hoping that 1 form dpt result yg gempak n mnaikkn nama skulah again ! ameen !